请自便! Enroll at 杰克逊的大学 on your journey to completing your degree at your current home institution. 继续学习,出人头地! Take one course or several and let us contribute to your overall education. We offer affordable tuition, a variety of online offerings and easy credit transfer!
8月. 12月26日. 14, 2024
8月. 10月26日. 15, 2024
7 -秋季课程
10月. 23 - 12月. 14, 2024
Consult with your home institution that the course(s) you plan to take at 杰克逊的大学 will be accepted as transfer credit.
Print or fill out both the fillable Michigan Undergraduate Guest Application and 添加/删除表单.
填写 第一部分 of the Guest application with your information and the course(s) you intend to take with JC.
- For number 16, ‘课程 that you plan to take:’ Be sure to include the 课程名称、编号和分组 有关申请的课程(例如:eng132 - i53 this section number indicates an online course and a course that runs 6/8 – 7/26)
- 填写 the 添加/删除表单 as well with your information and the course(s) information.
客户申请的第二部分: Take or email your completed section of the Michigan Undergraduate Guest Application to the Registrar’s Office, or to an officer at your school who processes guest applications, 在哪里 “第二部分”将填写并签署.
*Guest Applications will be received and considered official without the seal if an authorizing signature is included.
Upload both of the completed Michigan Undergraduate Guest Application and Add/Drop form to our secure site. Completed documents can be saved to your device and then uploaded. These documents will be received in the same day for processing.
If you would rather mail your application, please send to:
Jackson MI 49201(邮递处理时间会较长)
- 一旦你的申请被收到, processing time is approximately 1-2 days if all documentation is filled out properly.
- An initial e-mail confirmation will be sent to the email provided on the application which includes course info, 付款和用户名和密码.
- 我如何更改我的课程安排?
Students may pay online, in person at our Cashier’s Office, by mail, or sign up for a payment plan. 请阅读更多有关 全球网络赌博平台的付款方式.
为 夏季学期, students may be eligible to use TIP if specific criteria is met. Check eligibility with our financial aid office by calling 517.796.8410. 客户应用程序,添加/删除表单和 客座学生小费验证表 must be turned into 杰克逊的大学 for potential processing.
Please be aware of payment deadlines once you are registered for your course. Non-payment may result in being dropped from the course.
Note: Title IV Funding (financial aid) cannot be utilized at two institutions simultaneously.
- If you are taking an online course, we recommend that you complete JetReady取向 so you can familiarize yourself with the online format at JC. 这不是必需的,只是推荐.
- 所有注册的学生都将获得a JC电子邮件:格式:username@my.pro-e-learning.com
- Password: provided in your confirmation e-mail and schedule bill mailing
- Participate in your registered course(s) to avoid potentially being dropped by the instructor due to lack of participation
- 寻求额外帮助! 访问我们的 学生成功中心 其中包含免费的有价值的资源和 导师.
- 享受你的课程!
Upon completion of your course(s) at 杰克逊的大学, the student is responsible for 要求一份正式的JC成绩单 被送到家庭机构. Make sure that final grades have been posted and a certain amount of time is allowed for the transcript request to be processed.